Southern Instructional Solutions, LLC
Growing BRIGHT Learners...
Growing Ideas Together
Support for Administrators, Teachers, Parents, and Student's Educational Needs
School Support
Florida’s ELA BEST Standards Overview
Focus: This is a first step into understanding the organizational structure of each strand within the ELA Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards: Foundational, Reading, Communication, Vocabulary, and ELA Expectations. During this training, teachers will walk away with understanding the 5 strands, 11 standards, and 35 benchmarks along with clarifications, ideas, and resources to assists with curriculum alignment for planning. (1 day)
Focus: Based on the school’s data, YOU pick the ELA Strand needed for deeper training. Will it be the ELA Expectations to support all the stands? The Foundational Standards to strengthen the base? How about Reading? Communication to support writing instruction? Or perhaps Vocabulary across the board? We will spend the entire day going deep into THAT particular ELA Strand chosen by the school by analyzing the language in the benchmarks and clarifications, while aligning your curriculum resources, literature, technology, best practices (and worst), while stumbling across some occasional gaps to fill. This will greatly assist the teachers with planning and instruction to give them a targeted focus to assist with pacing and explicit instruction. (1 day)
Diving Deeper into Florida’s BEST ELA Standards: Examining & Applying the Achievement Level Descriptors
In this training the participants will compare the tested and non-tested ELA benchmarks with their instructional implications. Also, learn a student friendly way to introduce the ELA FAST components to the students which will facilitate data chats, instruction, and reflection. Then, dissect the Blueprint to align the ALD’s by benchmark for comparisons by achievement level, to the sample tests, and test questions. Class data analysis will be demonstrated along with a sample lesson targeting the lesson using student ALD learning cards. The school and teacher will leave with all materials ready to utilize with their students. This is the perfect extension to Florida’s ELA BEST Overview. (1 day)
Florida’s Mathematics BEST Standards Overview
Focus: This is a first step to understanding the organizational structure of each strand within the Mathematics Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards: Number Sense and Operations, Fractions, Algebraic Reasoning, Functions, Measurement, Geometric Reasoning, Data Analysis and Probability, and Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards. During this training, teachers will walk away with understanding up to 8 strands, 11 standards, and 35 benchmarks along with clarifications, ideas, and resources to assists with curriculum alignment for planning. (1 day)
IN ACTION SERIES: Florida’s Mathematics BEST Strands
Focus: Based on the school’s data, YOU pick the Mathematics Strand needed for deeper training. Will it be Fractions (1-5)? Algebraic Reasoning (K-12)? Functions (8-12)? Measurement (K-5)? Geometric Reasoning (K-12)? Data Analysis and Probability (K-12)? Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning (K-12)? We will spend the entire day going deep into THAT particular Mathematical Strand chosen by the school by analyzing the language in the benchmarks and clarifications, while aligning your curriculum resources, literature, technology, best practices (and worst), while stumbling across some occasional gaps to fill. This will greatly assist the teachers with planning and instruction to give them a targeted focus to assist with pacing and explicit instruction. (1 day)
Diving Deeper into Florida’s BEST MATH Standards: Examining & Applying the Achievement Level Descriptors
In this training the participants will compare the tested and non-tested MATH benchmarks with their instructional implications. Also, learn a student friendly way to introduce the MATH FAST components to the students which will facilitate data chats, instruction, and reflection. Then, dissect the Blueprint to align the ALD’s by benchmark for comparisons by achievement level, to the sample tests, and test questions. Class data analysis will be demonstrated along with a sample lesson targeting the lesson using student ALD learning cards. The school and teacher will leave with all materials ready to utilize with their students. This is the perfect extension to Florida’s MATH BEST Overview. (1 day)
Project CRISS: Creating Student-Owned Strategies
Focus: Empowering learners to be engaged, metacognitive, and strategic while empowering teachers with practical tools to facilitate high level thinking. It also empowers coaches and other teacher leaders to support reflective teaching and learning and administrators to be effective instructional leaders. It contains over 30 years of experience connecting research to instruction, Project CRISS provides high quality, practice professional development and support materials for K-12 teaching and learning. CRISS implementations supports rigorous 21st Century Standards and complements the Danielson Framework, growth mindset, project-based learning, deeper learning, and other educational initiatives while validating the dedication, knowledge, and experience of educators. (3 days)
The Nuts & Bolts of Differentiated Instruction
There is more to Differentiated Instruction (DI) than meeting in small groups and rotating from station to station. This training is for all grade level teachers, all subject areas, and all levels of expertise. It is based on the research of Carol Tomlinson's general principles and components so that teachers will learn how to differentiate whole group, small group, and/or individually for core, tier 2, or tier 3 instruction. A variey of instructional strategies will be a part of this hands-on training to give the teachers immediae application back into their lesson plans upon leaving.
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